Mark Gibson shared this message on Sunday 30th October 2022.
BEC Series: Food for the Journey (1 Peter) - 1 Peter 1: 3-16
Mark Gibson shared this message on Sunday 23rd October 2022
BEC Talks: All People That Dwell On Earth - World Mission Sunday
The sixth and final part of our BLESS the World series is to look at how we can sustain our commitment to keep BLESSing people.
Pastor Paul Rogers shared this message on Sunday 16th October 2022.
BEC Talks: BLESS the World series - 'Order Your World' (Psalm 84)
The fifth BLESS habit is to bless people by sharing your story.
BEC member, Karen Swaffield, shared this message on Sunday 9th October 2022
BEC Talks: BLESS the World - 'Be prepared for a journey' (Mark 4:26-29)
The fourth BLESS habit is to serve, which tells us to BLESS others by serving their needs.
Karon Newton & Erica Richmond shared this message on Sunday 2nd October 2022.
BEC Talks: BLESS the World
The third BLESS habit is to bless others through hospitality and sharing a meal with them.
Pastor Paul Rogers shared this message on Sunday 25th September 2022.
BEC Talks: BLESS the World - Seek First the Kingdom
The second BLESS habit is to listen well to people. Listen here for an introduction to this practice.
Erica Richmond shared this message on Sunday 18th September 2022.
BEC Talks: BLESS the World - Accept the Commission
Pastor Chris Burgess shares about giving thanks on our Thanksgiving/Harvest Service on Sunday 11th September 2022.
BEC Talks: 'Giving Thanks' (Hebrews 13:15-16)
Pastor Paul Rogers brought this message on Sunday 4th September 2022.
BEC Talks: Making Jesus King (1 Chronicles 12:23-40)
Pastor Chris Burgess brought this message on Sunday 28th August 2022.
BEC Talks: Renewed Pursuit (Philippians 3)
An introduction to the first of the BLESS habits of missional discipleship. If we want to become disciple-makers, we need to begin with prayer!
Mark Gibson brought this message on Sunday 21st September 2022.
BEC Talks: Love and Obedience (Ecclesiastes)
Erica Richmond brought this message on Sunday 14th August 2022.
BEC Talks: Certainty and Risk (Ecclesiastes)
Pastor Paul Rogers brought this message on Sunday 7th August 2022.
BEC Talks: Seasons and Eternity (Ecclesiastes)
Pastor Paul Rogers brought this message on Sunday 31st July 2022.
BEC Talks: Work & Wealth (Ecc 2:4-11, 17-26; 4:4-12; 5:8-20)